Raiffeisen Bank in Kosovo launches its Call for Sponsorships 2024
As a part of our strategy on the Community Investment Pillar of the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), Raiffeisen Bank in Kosova is pleased to announce the launch of the Call for Applications for Sponsorships 2024.
Through this call, the bank intends to contribute to the community by providing sponsorships to partners seeking to implement projects, events, or other activities (hereby referred to as ‘projects’) in the fields of sports, environment, education, and culture.
The deadline for submitting your proposals is September 15, 2023, at 16:00 at info@raiffeisen-kosovo.com with the subject: Application for Sponsorships 2024.
While there is no fixed duration for these projects, their implementation shall start and be completed within 2024.
The budget requested for funding will be subject to negotiation.
Evaluation criteria
An evaluation committee set up by Raiffeisen Bank Kosova will assess your proposals based on the following main criteria:
- Impact on the community and/or scale up the development of the applicant
- Expertise of the applicant
(including a portfolio of similar work in the past and the qualifications of the implementing team for the project to which they are applying)
- Financial proposal
(including the amount of sponsorship requested and a description of expenditures)
- Implementation approach
(including a description of the stages of implementation and how they will involve other stakeholders and beneficiaries)
- Communication and visibility plan
(including which channels will be used for dissemination/promotion of the project activities and how the bank will be promoted throughout the implementation of the project)
Please note that the organization/institution that will be granted the sponsorship will have to open an account with our bank if they do not already have one.
Who can apply?
All organizations and institutions registered in Kosovo are eligible to apply. We are also open to offering sponsorships to applicants who have secured additional sources of funding for the same project.
What is funded?
You should provide information on how the money received as sponsorship will be used to implement the activities that are part of the project. The expenditures that are not directly related to the implementation of the project, such as employee salaries, the buying of office equipment, transportation, and other similar expenditures, will not be funded.
Additional information about the call
To answer any questions that may arise during the preparation of your proposals, we will also organize an online info session with all the interested parties on September 5, 2023, from 10:00 to 11:00. The link to this information session will be announced on our channels a day before the session takes place.