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Our key areas of action

Our actions impact not only the economy, but also society and the environment in general. Sustainability is not only an integral part of our leadership and management
responsibilities, but also a fixed component of our overall business strategy. We strive to align our management structures and processes with this sustainability mindset.

In our pursuit of sustainability goals, we have identified four pillars that guide our efforts.

Core Business

At Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo, we embrace our role as a "responsible banker" with a primary objective of creating long-term added value. Sustainability is deeply ingrained in our business strategy, and
we align our products, services, and processes accordingly. Our holistic approach revolves around minimizing ESG risks and seizing opportunities to enhance environmental protection and social standards. At Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo, our goal is to offer sustainable financial products and services that empower our customers in their journey towards a sustainable future. By doing so, we aim to make a positive impact on society, aligning with our Vision 2025 and the broader sustainability goals of RBI. Through responsible banking practices, we strive to support the transformation of our customers and contribute to the creation of a sustainable world for generations to come.

Product Innovation: We have introduced new products such as ESG certificated for our clients, Green Financing on  energy efficiency measures, recyclable debit card, ESG linked financing aiming to increase the portfolio of sustainable lending 

Sustainability Assessments: Fully integrated ESG risk assessments into the loan approval processes to ensure that all financed projects align with sustainability criteria

Client Engagement: Conduct regular workshops and seminars for clients on the benefits of sustainable practices and financing, aiming to increase client participation in green programs. 


In-house Ecology

In house Ecology

At Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo, we view environmental and climate protection as part of our responsibility to society, and we see ourselves as a fair partner to the environment. The direct environmental impacts of our operational activities are limited compared with those of production industries. Nevertheless, as a Bank we have the goal of limiting negative environmental impacts at all its sites. We therefore work to continuously improve the main environmental parameters in the most relevant areas. Our constant effort to minimize the bank's environmental footprint through proactive management of resources and implementation of sustainable practices, includes activities to achieve the desired reduction such as: 

Energy Reduction: Reduce total energy consumption through upgrades to energy-efficient systems and technologies across all branches and head office.

Waste Management: Implement comprehensive recycling programs and waste reduction initiatives by enhancing employee training and internal policies on resource use.

Environmental Certification: Process of EMS as per ISO 14001 requirements to formalize the bank’s commitment to adhering to international environmental management standards.

Community Investments

As a responsible bank we also see our role in the community we operate and supporting by investing in local development and educational programs.

Cultural and Educational Support: Supported local arts programs and educational initiatives that promote financial literacy. This includes partnerships with schools to integrate financial education into curricula.

Community Engagement Projects: For five years, Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo in cooperation with the charity Stepic CEE, has donated schoolbags, school materials and tablets to assist online learning. Recipients to date have included schools in the cities of Pristina, Prizren, Gjilan and Mitrovica. The cooperation with the CEE charity was continued in 2023, with 530 schoolbags and useful school
materials being distributed to pupils from 26 schools in the Peja district.

Partnerships: The bank actively seeks to align its community investment strategies with national and local government objectives, particularly in areas like education, environmental sustainability, and social welfare. 

Donation of used assets: Throughout the years, the bank has extended its support to various organizations by donating its used assets. For instance, in 2023, in collaboration with UNICEF, the bank contributed two used vehicles: one to a Main Family Medicine Center and another to a Social Center in Lipjan

Additionally, other assets such as chairs, desks, and cabinets were also donated to various organizations. Furthermore, the bank has also donated staff uniforms to Teshavesha, a charity shop that supports mothers and children in Kosovo by providing clothes through donations and sales.

Donation of school bags and equipment: In cooperation with the Vienna-based CEE Stepic Charity, the bank donated 530 school bags and equipment to pupils in the Municipality of Peja in 2023. This initiative began five years ago, and since then, the bank has expanded its efforts to other cities, including Pristina, Prizren, Gjilan, and Mitrovica. Additionally, during the pandemic, the bank donated tablets to facilitate online learning.