Raiffeisen awarded as the best bank in Kosova in Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence 2023
As we mark the 20th anniversary of operating in Kosovo, we are delighted to announce that our bank has been awarded as the Best Bank in Kosova in Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence 2023. These awards were established in 1992, and they are based on several financial criteria, such as profit growth, return on equity, customer loans and deposits, and other relevant developments.
In this context, Euromoney highlights that while Raiffeisen Kosova operates the largest branch network in the country, it has also continued to upgrade its digital offering, notably through the Raiffeisen Plus internet and mobile platform, the digital personal loan platform RaiKesh, the RaiPay digital wallet, and the introduction of the RaiPos app.
Over the past years, Raiffeisen Kosova has been awarded numerous prizes, showing the Bank’s commitment to providing the best banking experience to its customers.
Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) entered the Kosovo market in 2002 after acquiring a large part of the shares of the American Bank of Kosovo, and in 2003 it was named Raiffeisen Bank of Kosovo.