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Prevention of identity fraud

This type of fraud can have serious financial and personal consequences for victims. Protecting your identity is critical in today's digital world.

  • 2 min

Safeguard your personal information

Obtaining personal information is one of the most main methods used by fraudsters to steal your identity. You should be very careful when storing and sharing this information:

  • Do not share your ID or ID card number without a legitimate reason: This data is critical to your security and should only be shared when absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid sharing too much personal information on social networks: A scammer can use even simple information like your date of birth, address, or phone number to create a fake profile of your identity.
  • Do not share your ID with others: The identity card is personal and must be kept as such, so keep it only for yourself, not sharing it with others in different forms such as: photographs, photocopies, etc

Use strong and different passwords

Fraudsters often use techniques to gain access to your accounts through weak passwords:

  • Create strong passwords: Use combinations of numbers, symbols, and upper- and lower-case letters to create strong passwords. Avoid using common names or dates that can be easily obtained.
  • Change passwords regularly: It is recommended to change your passwords periodically to prevent any unauthorized access.
  • Don't use the same password for different accounts: If a password is compromised, all of your accounts that use that password are at risk.
  • To read more about secure passwords, please click here 

Avoid unsecured public Wi-Fi networks
Using public Wi-Fi networks for banking transactions or sharing sensitive information poses great risks. Scammers can use the following networks to capture your information:

  • Only use secure Wi-Fi networks for financial transactions: If you must use public Wi-Fi, use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to encrypt your connection and protect your data.
  • Do not make purchases or financial transfers on unencrypted public networks.
  • Do not upload your ID to non-legitimate websites.

Destroy sensitive documents before disposing of them

Physical documents, such as bank receipts or other personal information, can be used for identity fraud if they fall into the wrong hands:• Shred any sensitive documents before disposing them: Use a document shredder to ensure your information cannot be used by others.

Keep your devices secure and up to date

Your technology devices can be an open door for fraudsters if they are not properly secured:

  • Use up-to-date security and antivirus software: Antivirus and firewall software can prevent attacks aimed at obtaining your personal information.
  • Update your devices' operating systems and apps: This ensures you have the latest protection from cyber threats.

Preventing identity fraud requires careful measures and an ongoing awareness of the security of your personal information. By following the advices above, you can protect yourself from the threat of identity fraud and ensure that your information is in safe hands.