STRUKTURIRANO FINANSIRANJE: Strukturirano finansiranje
Kao organizator projektnog i strukturiranog finansiranja, podržavamo klijente i investitore odgovarajućim finansijskim strukturama koje omogućavaju realizaciju projekata i investicija najrazličitijih vrsta.
Šta nudimo u okviru strukturiranog finansiranja?
- Financing of projects/real estate
- Factoring
- Reverse Factoring

Project financing is a form of structured financing for a specific economic entity where the performance of the underlying project is the main source of debt repayment ability. Consequently, the financing structure is tailored and takes into account the individual needs and risks of your project plans.
It is mainly based on the cash flows generated by the specific economic entity that must be sufficient to cover the payments for operating costs andto repay the debt in terms of principal and interest payments.

Dynamic development requires innovation.
Tool factoring - financing of invoices with a payment term - simple and fast process.
What is Factoring?
Factoring is the financing of invoices by transferring accounts receivable/invoices as a result of the sale of goods or services.
Why Factoring?
The bank pays the client up to a maximum of 80–90% of the invoices before the invoices expire. On the payment date, the buyer pays for the invoices that the bank has financed for the seller/customer since day one.
Faster access to money because, instead of waiting for the invoice with a payment term of 15 to 120 days, through Factoring, the collection of invoices is carried out immediately.
A more flexible financing alternative, which helps to increase and develop the capacities of businesses.
Invoices are considered accounts receivable, which also enable the client to use the collateral for other projects
It enables the negotiation of the payment terms between the seller and the buyer. It creates opportunities for the development of both parties.

Reverse factoring or financing of suppliers from day one
What is Reverse Factoring?
Reverse (confirmed) factoring is a well-designed agreement between the buyer, the seller, and the bank. The starting point of reverse factoring is the buyer, who is usually represented by a corporation.
Why Reverse Factoring?
The main challenge for sellers and buyers is the waiting time for payment, while Suppliers/Sellers prefer payment as soon as possible after delivery, buyers generally insist on a longer waiting time. Reverse factoring resolves this conflict and offers benefits to the buyer.
They can:
- Regulate payment terms
- They are in a better position to negotiate payment terms, if they wish to
- They benefit from discounts with better conditions, interest in relation to the seller
- Help suppliers/sellers to be more liquid
- Strengthen the image of the business "company that supports business partners, suppliers/sellers".
Zašto Raiffeisen Banka?
Mnogo je razloga zašto je Raiffeisen banka pravi partner pri izboru kreditne kartice. Ovo su glavne prednosti:
130 godina bankarske tradicije
Raiffeisen Banka na Kosovu je deo Raiffeisen Bank International, koja nosi iste vrednosti kao i matična kompanija. Raiffeisen se zalaže za bezbednost i stabilnost.
Najveća banka na Kosovu
Banko Raiffeisen je najveća banka na Kosovu, prema svim finansijskim pokazateljima. To je rezultat stalnog poverenja naših klijenata i naše posvećenosti da pružimo najbolje usluge.
Inovacija i podrška
Oslanjamo se na stalne inovacije da nudimo lako bankarsko iskustvo bez stresa sa najvećom mrežom filijala i naprednim digitalnim platformama, sa vama smo 24 časa dnevno.